Latin Style
Sophie PROIX and Thierry JAN will heat up the atmosphere of your event with the melodies and rhythms of the most famous Bossa-novas
Agua de Beber, Desafinado, Girl from Ipanema,
Mas que nada, El Carretero, La Colégiala, Oyé como va...
- Guillermo Portabales, Compay Segundo, Luz Casals....
- Jorge Ben, Antonio Carlos Jobim, Tito Puente, Carlos Santana....
Also the original versions of the successful songs of French singer Claude Nougaro:
- Berimbau.....«Bidonville»,
- Oh que sera que sera .......« Ah tu verras, tu verras»,
- Voce abusou ........................«Fais comme l'oiseau»......
Music Sample:
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